Friday, December 7, 2012

i can't believe it's december already......

i've heard it over & over
i've said it over & over
it's december?
yet when i come to my blog to see what every one is doing in blogland
my blog screams....
it's NOVEMBER!!!!!
there is still a picture of a turkey for crying out loud
in order to have any type of winter pictures
i would have to resort to last yea's photo's as our weather has been anything but winter
it has been in the 50's & 60's
(how do you people in warm climates motivate yourselves to decorate ????) will be here in ohio no matter the temperature
so today i'm decking the halls & changing up the blog background
yes header only contains picture
i didn't want to mess with picasa today!
i upload a pic from last year
...well i almost upload a pic
but google tells me i'm out of space!

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