Monday, September 12, 2011

laundry soap...the homemade kind

i've used this detergent for about 2 years
and i really like it
it's not overloaded by scent
just a fresh, clean smell
and it's safe for our septic
i use vinegar for fabric softener

the grinder belonged to my dad
its perfect for grinding the bars of fels naptha
you can also use a food processor
a hand grater

if you want more scent to your laundry
you can add essential oil
i can't tell you
the amount you would add

i like that my clothes don't have a scent other than
so i've never added scent

i would like to give credit to the website that i got this from
i can't find the original source

i make a double batch
store it in this container
with the recipe taped to it
so i don't forget


2 cups grated fels naptha (i am told you can also use castile)
1 cup borax
1 cup washing soda (not baking soda)
mix together and add 2 tablespoons per load

you will not get bubbles from this product



1 comment:

Lap Dog Knits said...

I wish I made my own soap, I wish I had a beautiful clothesline with wooden pins...I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this post.
I'd stand there enjoying that breeze and beautiful sky and road....long after the sheets had dried..

Enjoy your day friend.